What a day! It never rains, it pours! We has a very busy day with 4 different lunches, arrivals and departures, electricity failures, fridges and freezers packing up and many special requasts going on yesterday, and it was manic! Phew! Glad that day is over – but we came though it all without any of the guests suspecting a thing. 

I stayed pretty much on target consuming only 1229 calories for the day, but I didn’t have enough veggies. It was mostly made of of proteins actually – day 10 of no carbs. Whoohoo! But I do need to have more greens though.

I had a quarter of Kiwi fruit to bite and my usual cup of coffee for breakfast. We were running around quite a bit trying to get everything organised, so it was mid morning by the time I had the protein shake.

I hosted over lunch, and had 1 sparerib, a half cup of green salad, two tablespoons of carrot salad and skipped the dessert. The guests were really talkative and asked a lot of questions, so I had to steal bites between giving answers! After lunch I was still hungry, and snacked on some cubed cream cheese & salami.

Then it was off again, checking guests in and setting up for the rest of the day. We did an amazing chocolate buttermilk birthday cake for one of the guests, with a caramel filling and chocolate frosting – it looked delicious and the guests nearly pollished it off. Seriously moist and morish. I had to use everything I had in me to not give in and have a slice!

We had a flight in and I received some biltong and chilli bites that I ordered to keep for snacks and easy protein bites when necessary. Chilli bites are like peanuts – once you start it is very difficult to stop. The cravings were bad so I devoured all my calories left for the day – and felt really full until bed time.

No exercise yesterday – it was just a crazy day with hardly any time to spare. But, it is also the 3rd day in a row with no physical exertion whatsoever. I will have to do something about that – and exercise every day to see the week out if I want to keep my 4x/w trend going.

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