Yesterday had been a good day in terms of eating the right stuff, but I still had 287 calories left so I didn’t have enough to eat.  Lately I just cannot get the willpower or motivation to go and exercise. I wake up tired and with no energy, and by 5pm when I actually have time to go walkabout, I am knackered and just want to crawl into bed and not lift a finger or do anything.

We have also been really busy at camp, and while I know that is not an excuse, my time is rather limited.

I haven’t eaten any carbs, so I am happy about that. The temptations are so available, but I have been good and of that I am proud. I even had a vegetarian melanzane for lunch yesterday – something I normally avoid like the plague, and even that tasted good to me. Dinner was chicken strips, guacamole and salsa, and a tiny bit of duck for mains. There is hope for me yet!



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